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사파리 pinned tab이 메모리와 CPU를 많이 사용할까? 본문

앱 개발/iOS

사파리 pinned tab이 메모리와 CPU를 많이 사용할까?

달모드 2021. 9. 30. 10:27

일단 증거가 있기 전에도 나의 대답은 yes였다. 사파리로 블로그 메모 + 동시에 XCode에서 Playground를 돌리면 앱을 처음 빌드하고 시뮬레이션을 가동시킬때처럼 가동되면서 팬소리가 들린다. 그래서 메모리를 확인해보니 꽉 차고, 메모리를 주로 사용하는 앱들로 사파리와 XCode 둘이가 나와있어서 찾아보았다.




FAQ: Are My Pinned Tabs in Safari Draining Battery and CPU Power?

Pinning a tab in Safari can be an incredible timesaver. It keeps the tab open in your browser window, available at a moment's notice. This easy-to-access


결론: 으악

Safari has a ton of power-saving features, but pinned tabs don’t fall into that category.


A pinned tab is not treated as a typical browser tab. Safari manages a standard browser tab by moving it to the background when it is not in use. All the resources used by this tab, such as the network connection, are idled when Safari sidelines the tab.

However, a pinned tab keeps its focus even when you are not using it. In this semi-altered state, the tab continues to use valuable resources such as RAM and CPU cycles.

Not only does this pinned tab consume these valuable resources, but it also slowly drains power. One or two pinned tabs may have a negligible effect on power, RAM, and CPU usage, but it snowballs when you begin accumulating a ton of pinned tabs.

The more tabs you pin, the more significant the impact on your performance.





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